Urgent SEO News – Google Algorithm Updated

April 24, 2017
April 24, 2017 Sally Dee

Urgent SEO News – Google Algorithm Updated

SEO News – Google Algorithm Updated

new-google-logo-officialGoogle This week, Google rolled out their latest search algorithm change. For people conducting mobile searches, priority will now be given to websites that Google classifies as mobile-friendly. (As I have mentioned in previous blogs, 68% of searches are done on mobile devices!)

If you are not sure your site is mobile-friendly, Google has a quick and easy tool to test your site. This tool will tell you if Google considers your site to be mobile-friendly. It will also provide feedback gathered about what needs to change (font too small, links too close together, etc.) in order to improve the site’s mobile function. Your site must be mobile-friendly, or your SEO ranking will be drastically lower. This new algorithm will not affect desktop searches and your current SEO ranking there.

There are several ways to fix your website and make it mobile friendly:

  • Update the layout and theme on WordPress to a mobile-friendly layout
  • Have an expert review and adjust
  • Implement brand new site that is mobile-friendly

Because more searches are mobile, this algorithm update could have a big impact on companies that do not have mobile sites, and they will see a decline in search traffic. Looking at your website’s analytics to determine how much traffic you currently get from mobile searches, will give you a good idea of the impact to your business.

With people of all ages tapping into the power of mobile, switching to a mobile friendly website seems inevitable and a cost of the evolution of technology.

Call us today! We can make sure you are mobile ready!


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